Реферат: Music In The World Essay Research Paper

Music In The World Essay, Research Paper

Ways in Which to Balance the Federal Budget

In order to start balancing the U.S. federal budget we have to limit the amount of foreign aid we are giving out. Currently we have aid going out to countries helping birth control, world hunger and military protection. We need to cut these links off and focus on our own problems in this country. We have to help ourselves before we can truly help less fortunate people.

First thing, we need to get all the cameras, and media out of those countries. The average American doesn?t need to turn on the television and see all the dying people of Africa and India. I think, if we don?t see it, then we will think that it isn?t happening.

Second, we have to strengthen the degree at which we protect our borders. Are border policy is a joke. There are hundreds of foreigners bedding down in our country every night, and this has to be stopped. These social parasites are eventually getting social security and STEALING our tax dollars. These people are not to embrace but to explode our country.

We as Americans have to watch for this border invasion, we can?t let this continue, or it will be the end of civilization in the United States. Every social parasite that makes it in America, that?s one less job that?s available to the white community. One less dollar that?s going toward your social security and one less seat on the bus.

We have to stand up, and cry out in one voice, that we will not go quietly in the night, we will not be run down, today we will clam our Independence.

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