Реферат: Английский, профкурс (деловой), вопросы и билеты
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 1
1. Translate intoEnglish: В системесвободного предпринимательства существует право выбора и любой, кто имееткапитал, время и опыт, может заняться любой деятельностью, которую онпредпочитает, при условии, что он не будет использовать чужое имя и будет свободноконкурировать с любым существующим бизнесом.
2. Translate intoRussian: Pricing strategyis concerned with establishing prices for products that will return a profit.Pricing decisions are influenced by how responsive a target market is to a highor low price, the psychological images created by prices and the actions ofcompetitors.
3. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences: How will you get sales volume?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Onbehalf of
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions.. A lot … delegations arrive … the USA … theinvitation … Trade Unions.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: Whyourprices (to be) higher than ourcompetitors'prices?
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. There ______ (is/are) a number ofbenefits to renting a home.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: services, of, wholesale, and, money, retail, dealers, the,consumer, a, the, lot, of, cost.
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: At thattime sovereigns were giving their towns the privilege of conducting fairs.
10. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: This is for you to decide.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 2
1. Translate into English: Менеджеры выполняют свою работу в организации. Онипринимают решения, распределяют ресурсы и направляют деятельность других кдостижению целей.
2. Translate intoRussian: A contract givesrise to certain rights and obligations. But these rights and obligations cannotarise except between the parties to the contract. A contract may be bindingupon one party to the contract and not upon the other.
3. Answer the question:All managers have aleadership role. How do you understand it?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Objectto the contract
5. Grammar drills. Fill inthe blanks with the necessary prepositions: When there is a slack people buygoods only necessary … life.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: Wewould like (to explain) to you first that weare heavy with orders now.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. Nobody _______ (wants/want) to livein poverty.
8. Make up a sentenceusing the following words: you,of, fair, have, what, visited, late
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: We haveto decide this problem.
10. Fill in the missingpreposition(s). Name the grammatical structure in the bold type. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian. We must try to cut ___the amount of money wespend. We just can't make ends meet.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 3
1. Translate intoEnglish: Прибыль —это главная цель любого предпринимателя. Прибыль — это то, что остается послевычетов расходов предприятия, включая в них вознаграждение за управление(менеджмент). Прибыль — это индикатор того, что ваш бизнес является успешным.
2. Translate intoRussian: A mere agreementis not a contract yet. The term “contract” is used by English lawyers toconvey the idea of responsibility which arises from the voluntary engagement ofone person to another.
3. Answer the question:What does the organizingfunction of management include?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Legaladdresses of the parties
5. Grammar drills. Fill inthe blanks with the necessary prepositions: People must have buying power … cashor credit.
6. Grammar drills. Use theright tense in the following sentence: The European Union (to create) withthe aim of constructing a United Europe.
7. Grammar drills.Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. Either John or his wife (make/makes)breakfast each morning.
8. Makeup a sentence using the following words: set, if, will, customers, you, up,how, in, you, get, business, how
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Goods-producingfirms, such as construction and manufacturing firms, produce tangible productsor goods.
10. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: There was nothing to do.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 4
1. Translate into English: Чтобы добиться успеха на рынке, недостаточновыслушивать жалобы покупателей. Компания должна дать на них конструктивныйответ.
2. Translate into Russian: What does the term marketmean? A market is a group of potential customers with authority and ability topurchase a particular product or service to satisfy their collective demand.
3. Answer the question:May the insured person beplaced in a better economic position that he occupied before the insured lossoccurred? Why?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Packingand marking
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. Pricing decisions are influenced … how responsive atarget market is … a high or low price.
6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: I (to learn)this from our conversation.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. On Sunday there __________(was/were) a large number of customers at the market.
8. Makeup a sentence using the following words: by, activities, would, subordinates,what, performed, be
9. Grammar drills. E. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice:
Under the concept of indemnity insurance covers only a financial loss.
10. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: If A agrees with B, there being a consideration for the promise,that C shall receive a sum of money, C cannot enforce the payment.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 5
1. Translate into English: Покупатель приобретает право собственности на товар вмомент его продажи, при условии что товар куплен на открытом рынке.
2. Translate intoRussian: A chronologicalCV is the most familiar layout It is possible to start from the present andwork back in time (usual in the US) or begin at the start of one's career andwork forward in time. A functional CV. Here the content is organised intospecific categories of abilities (t is useful if you have a short work recordor previous jobs unrelated to current goals It tells a potential employer whatyou can do
3. Answer the question:What does the industrialmarket consist of?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Creditcards
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions:… accordance… Mr. Ranson’s letter his companygoing to increase their prices.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: At yesterday's talks the firm (to draw) our attentionto this fact.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. The Congress of female doctors________ (is/are) starting on Friday.
8. Makeup a sentence using the following words: and, levels, know,management,you, three, management, top, middle, operating
9. Grammar drills. E. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice:
All companies try to find new markets for their goods.
10. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: It is necessaryfor the goods to be packed in strong cases.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 6
1. Translate into English: Менеджеры достигают целейпосредством других людей. У всех менеджеров есть руководящая роль. Эта рольвключает в себя: найм, тренинг, мотивацию и дисциплинирование служащих.
2. Translate into Russian: An agreement whereby theseller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer forthe money consideration, called the price, is a contract of sale of goods.
3. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences: What does a personnel manager want to know, while heis employing the staff?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Informalpartnership
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions.The customers sent an enquiry… women's shoes...autumn wear, but were informed that the company could not supply them…the shoes.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: Our delivery time (to be) not suitable to him and he(to find) our prices too high.
7. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in parentheses. The number of days in a month (is/are)thirty.
8. Make up a sentenceusing the following words: basic,are, what, the, categories, business, today
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Thenumber-nations have established common policies in foreign trade, agricultureand transportation.
10. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: There was nothing to be done.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 7
1. Translate into English: При капитализме экономические решения принимаютсясвободно, согласно рыночным законам спроса и предложения. Рынок регулируетэкономическое поведение, правительства не должны ничего регулировать.
2. Translate intoRussian: The property ingoods must be distinguished from the limited or special right which is called“possession.” Property in goods may exist without possession and possessionwithout property.
3. Answer the questionin 3-5 sentences: Why dobusiness people pay so much attention to the way their offices look like?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Towithdraw an offer
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions: When applying … a post abroad give the names …equivalent qualifications.
6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in thefollowing sentence: Amanager (get) things (to do) through other people.
7. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in parentheses. The majority of employed agents_________ (sells/sell) goods for a reward on form of compensation.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: vitae, of, basic, curriculum, both, formats, present, the, the, information, same, should
9. Grammar drills. E. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice:
The wholesale dealer has allowed a short-term credit to a client.
10. Name the grammaticalstructure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentenceinto Russian: He left theroom without saying a word.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 8
1. Translate into English: Капитализм, или чистый капитализм, как его описал АдамСмит в 18 веке, является экономической системой, где факторы производстванаходятся в частных руках.
2. Translate into Russian: Commercial banks are veryoften reluctant to lend money to companies that have only been operating for afew years, but in some cases they may make a term loan that the small businesscan pay off within an agreed period. may make a term loan that the smallbusiness can pay off within on a agreed period.
3. Answer the question in 3-5sentences: What are the basic categories of business today?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Togain acceptance
5. Grammar drills. Fill inthe blanks with the necessary prepositions: To sell a similar product … themarket successfully a manufacturer should make sure… the demand issufficient.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: We (to be sorry) that your order (to place) with ourcompetitors because our delivery time (to be) not suitable to you and you (tofind) our prices too high.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. Both retailers and wholesalers__________ (acquires/acquire) goods from producers.
8. Make up a sentenceusing the following words:in, of, do, invest, individuals, their, savings, the, tools, why, production
9. Grammar drills. Usecommon phrase in the Passive Voice:
The company hasdistributed a lot of “preference shares” among its members.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: (to take) Books ___ out of the library must bereturned within 3 weeks.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 9
1. Translate intoEnglish: Занимаясьбизнесом, вы должны принимать во внимание свою биографию, свои финансовые иличные возможности, свое знание людей, их нужд и желаний, а также свое общееотношение к бизнесу и жизни, как к факторам, оказывающим существенное влияниена развитие предприятия.
2. Translate into Russian:A bill of lading is amemorandum acknowledging the receipt of goods generally signed by the master ofa ship. It also contains the terms and conditions of the carriage of the goodswhich have been agreed upon by the parties.
3. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences: What are the secretarial duties?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Acheque and a bank note
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions.… export packing, machines are often wrapped up…polythene and then put… special crates.
6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: You just kindly(to give) us much advice.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. A number of wholesalers __________(acquires/acquire) goods abroad.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: vitae, should, be, clear, read, and, present, аn, the, аttractive, to, should, image, curriculum
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Thecompany will extend the production of video-players.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: (to take)… everything into consideration, I thinkyou're right.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 10
1. Translate into English: Если Вы хотите ввести в оборот (предложить) новыйтовар и найти для него готовый рынок, Вам нужно знать рыночную ситуацию вдеталях.
2. Translate intoRussian: The law contractexists to protect agreements made between two or more parties, to ensure thatthe parties to them carry out the various promises they have made, and toprovide one party with a remedy should the other fail do what he hasundertaken.
3. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences: Where will you locate your business?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Acommon carrier
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions: The success of any business person depends … creditterms.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: At yesterday's talks the firm (to draw) our attentionto the fact that they (to want) to double their purchases.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. The sales manager, along with theother managers of the company, ________ (has just discussed/have justdiscussed) the problem.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: normative, looks, at, the, of, economic, economics,behavior, outcomes.
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice:The right to ownership includes land,buildings, equipment, and intangible property.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: (to suppose)… you had no money, what would you do?
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 11
1. Translate into English: Незаконный договор (контракт) – это обоюдноесоглашение о совершении действий, противоречащих закону или общественномупорядку.
2. Translate intoRussian: The privateenterprise system, as all economic systems, requires resources for its businessto produce goods and services. The resources used to provide goods and servicesare the factors of production: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.
3. Answer the question:What is a contract basedon?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Tobe binding upon smth
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. Mr. Ranson’s company is going to increase their prices… 6%… May.
6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in thefollowing sentence: This (to call) «protesting the bill.»
7. Grammar drills.Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Neither the holders ofshares, nor the company __________ (have/has) received big profits this year.
8. Make up a sentenceusing the following words:CV, is, you, have, a, a, short, work, functional, useful, record, if
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice:The right to all profits attracts people tobegin businesses.
10. Name the grammaticalstructure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentenceinto Russian. Alex stop livingwith your head in the clouds. You'll never get anywhere if you don't work atit.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 12
1. Translate intoEnglish: Маркетингимеет целью выяснение нужд и желаний потребителей, а затем доведение до ихсведения, что именно вы поставляете для их нужд. Хорошо продуманный планмаркетинга имеет решающее значение для вашего бизнеса,
2. Translate into Russian: The curriculum vitaeshould be clear to read and present аn аttractive image It isimportant to highlight the features which will interest the reader. It shouldnot be too long. Space left blank on the раgе makes it easy to readquickly. There are two main formats: the chronological and the functional Inboth types there will be the same basic information (name, address, date ofbirth and civil status.)
3. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences: What would you do to train, control and directsubordinates?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Inexcess of
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions: We have arrived … the invitation … Trade Unions.
6. Grammar drills. Use theright tense in the following sentence: When there (to be) a slack, they’llbuy goods only necessary for life.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. Owning a home _________(provides/provide) a number of benefits.
8. Makeup a sentence using the following words: would, to, train, what, control, anddirect, do, subordinates, you
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Thegradual creation of a single currency. Requires much time and efforts.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: (to grow) Farmers ___ such crops cantherefore catch the early markets.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 13
1. Translate into English: Товарная стратегия включает в себя решенияотносительно видов, ярлыков, торговых марок, упаковки, сертификатов, гарантий,разработки нового товара и цикла жизни товара.
2. Translate into Russian: The price is generallyfixed by the parties. But it is not necessary that the price should be fixedbeforehand. It may be left to the valuation of a third party.
3. Answer the question:What is a market?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Acceptan offer
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. We look forward … hearing …you.
6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in thefollowing sentence: Documents and approvals generally must (to obtain) before startingoperations.
7. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in the parentheses. Ten dollars ____________ (is/are)all I can afford to buy this suit.
8. Make up a sentenceusing the following words: business,factors, does, what, one, wants, start, consider, when, he, to, to, his, need,own
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Withthe creditor function the bank plays an exceedingly important part in theeconomy.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: Did you remember (see)… Tom and tell him that wecan't come on Sunday?
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 14
1. Translate into English: В системе частного предпринимательства право владениявключает землю, строения, оборудование и интеллектуальную собственность, такуюкак изобретения.
2. Translate into Russian: A company may beterminated by its registration cancelled. The registration may be removed fromthe register if it has simply ceased to function as a company; or it may beliquidated, or wound up.
3. Answer the question:What kinds and where arefairs conducted in Russia?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Publiccompany
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. Soyuzexport promised to submit… the Britishcompany … any samples of cameras they will require.
6. Grammar drills. Use theright tense in the following sentence: When there (to be) a business boom,people will have generally more money.
7. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in the parentheses. None of the firms ___________ (has received/havereceived) big profits this year.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: a, items, there, is, a, business, boom, people, have,generally, more, money, when, on, luxury
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Theshop is selling successfully the books of this author.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: I used to (think)… that life ended at 30.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 15
1. Translate intoEnglish:Исследования рынка не могут не учитывать возможную конкуренцию. Прежде чемразворачивать производство товара на рынке, производитель должен убедиться втом, что на него существует достаточный спрос.
2. Translate intoRussian: The privateenterprise system is an economic system where both the resources necessary forproduction and the business are owned by private individuals, not by publicinstitutions like the government.
3. Answer the question:What is meant by thecontrolling function of management?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Limitedpartnership
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions: To sell … a loss.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: They already (to agree) to extend the validity of theLetter of Credit.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. A great number of contracts _______(falls/fall) into this classification.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: it, important, highlight, the, the, features, which, is, will,interest, reader, to
9. Grammar drills. E. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice:
Every businessman must know the market situation in detail.
10. Name the grammaticalstructure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentenceinto Russian: In spite ofPeter’s sadness at losing the contest, he managed to smile.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 16
1. Translate intoEnglish: В конце 60-хстудент Генри Минцберг предпринял подробное обследование пяти служащих, чтобыопределить то, чем эти менеджеры занимались на своей работе На основе своихнаблюдений этих менеджеров, Минцберг пришел к выводу, что менеджер выполняетдесять различных ролей.
2. Translate intoRussian: The EuropeanUnion is an intergovernmental organization created with the aim of constructinga United Europe through peaceful means and creating conditions for economicgrowth, social cohesion, political integration and cooperation among theEuropean peoples and governments.
3. Answer the questionin 3-5 sentences: Why isservice, as a basic category of business, rapidly becoming dominant today?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Marketrecession
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions: The credit terms were given… suppliers.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: If they ( to decide) to make their prices morecompetitive they (to be )then ready to place their order for 1000 machines.
7. Grammar drills.Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. A number of commercial banks________ (is/are) issuing debentures now.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: property, goods, must, be, called, distinguished, which, or,in, from, the, the, limited, special, right, is, «possession.»
9. Grammar drills. E. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice:
Sales representatives often visit the clientele of retail dealers.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: (to take) Books ___ out of the library must bereturned within 3 weeks. People ___ books out which haven’t been stamped willbe banned.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 17
1. Translate intoEnglish: В условияхчастного предпринимательства отдельные лица (в одиночку или группами), а неправительство, делают сбережения и вкладывают их в средства производства — заводы, оборудование — во все необходимое для производства товаров и услуг,имея целью получение прибыли.
2. Translate into Russian: «Contract»comprises every agreement or obligation whereby one party binds himself, orbecomes bound to another, to pay a sum of money, or to do or omit to do anyact.
3. Answer the followingquestion: What is acontract?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Jointownership
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. Is the company interested …this type … the goods?
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: They (to be) then ready to place their order if they (to decide) to make their prices more competitive.
7. Grammar drills.Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. There (has/have) been too manyinterruptions in this class.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: prescriptions, courses, normative, economics, involves, for,preferred, of, action
9. Grammar drills. E. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice:
During a slack one can sell products necessary for life, even in bigquantities.
10. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: Given the framework of these general principles, this standardcontains the requirements of A level.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 18
1. Translate into English: Облагая налогами отдельных лиц и предприятия,правительство приобретает средства для обеспечения основных общественныхпрограмм: образования, обороны, транспорта и социальных услуг.
2. Translate intoRussian: An offer, so longas it is unrevoked, may be accepted within the time designated in the offer andif no time is designated, then within a reasonable time under thecircumstances.
3. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences: What activities would be performed by subordinates?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Smthpays off
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. To sell … a loss and buy … a discount.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: You just kindly (to advise) us that you (to have) tobuy machines of another company.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. None of the buyers ______ (wassatisfied/were satisfied) with the purchased goods.
8. Make up a sentenceusing the following words: is,service, as, basic, of, a, business, becoming, dominant, category, why, today,rapidly
9. Grammar drills. E. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice:
The committee is considering several new proposals on national currency.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: I'm not used to (think)… so hard this early in themorning.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 19
1. Translate intoEnglish: Mенеджервыполняет десять различных, тесно взаимосвязанных ролей либо набор типовповедения, относящихся к их работе. Эти десять ролей могут быть сгруппированы впервую очередь на основе межличностных взаимоотношений, передаче информации ипринятия решений.
2. Translate into Russian: When applying for a postabroad it is helpful to give the names of equivalent qualifications which canbe easily understood by the reader There may not be an equivalent qualificationin some cases, so it is a good idea to describe the diploma obtained (e g. aD.E U G: a University qualification obtained after two years' study).
3. Answer the question:How can the agent whoreceives any secret commission be punished by the principal?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Negotiabledocuments
5. Grammar drills. Fill in the blankswith the necessary prepositions: The property … goods must be distinguished… the right which is called «possession.»
6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in thefollowing sentence: Fashion and consumers' tastes and needs constantly (to change).
7. Grammar drills.Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Of the two foreign banks theEnglish bank acts __________ (more/most) successfully in Russia.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: there, a, slack, people, life, buy, goods, only, necessary,when, for, is
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Acommon carrier must use all means of transportations to deliver the goods intime.
10. Join the followingsentences, using the preposition Use the verb in the bold type in its correctform. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on its function andtranslate the sentence into Russian: We visited the museum. We went home. (after)
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 20
1. Translate into English: От всех менеджеров требуется выполнение обязанностей,церемониальных и символичных по своей природе. Когда президент колледжа выдаетдипломы на торжественном собрании, он или она действует в символической роли.
2. Translate intoRussian: Market researchmay not disregard any existing or probable competition. To sell a similarproduct in the market successfully a manufacturer should make sure whether thedemand is sufficient. Then he should either improve the quality or offer lowerprices.
3. Answer the question in 3-5sentences:What is service in business?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Tocarry into effect
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. The Seller's offer was valid… a period… 90 days.
6. Grammar drills. Use theright tense in the following sentence: We (to pay) an amount of money beforewe (receive) the goods.
7. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form in parentheses. Alarge number of managers _______ (was/were) present at yesterday’s economicalconference.
8. Make up a sentenceusing the following words:lower, manufacturer, either, offer, improve, should, the, the, quality, or,prices
9. Grammar drills. E. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice:
One must independently expose all homogeneous units to loss.
10. Join the followingsentences, using the preposition. Use the verb in the bold type in its correctform. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on its function andtranslate the sentence into Russian: He did the exercise. Then he switched on TV. (after)
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 21
1. Translate into English: Система частного предпринимательства основана начетырех принципах, или правах: праве на частную собственность, на свободувыбора, на прибыль и конкуренцию.
2. Translate intoRussian: A bill ofexchange, or, as it is sometimes called, a draft, is defined as onunconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, to pay ondemand or at a fixed time a certain sum in money to a specified person or tobearer.
3. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences: You know three management levels: top, middle andoperating management. Which personal is involved in each of them?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Laydays
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. … accordance… Mr. Ranson's letter his companygoing to increase their prices.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: I (to learn) from our conversation that the drop inthe volume of business (to affect) the prices and they (to plan) to draw up anew quotation.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. The president of the bank, alongwith all the officials _________ (is/are) taking part in today’s conference.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: are, main, two, formats, the, of, curriculum, vitae, there
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Theprincipal may recover any secret commission received by the agent.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: The film by Stephen Spielbergis expected to be agreat hit.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 22
1. Translate into English: Страхование, механизм для снижения финансового риска ипокрытия финансовых потерь, является главным социальным институтом, которыйнеобходим для функционирования практически любого типа экономики.
2. Translate intoRussian: If a foreign billof exchange is dishonored, the fact must be noted by a notary public. Adeclaration in writing must also be drawn up as to the dishonor. This is called“protesting the bill.”
3. Answer the questionin 3-5 sentences: Whatfactors does one need to consider when he or she wants to start his or her ownbusiness?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Marketresearch
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions: The company is interested …this type … the goods?
6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in thefollowing sentence: Who (to control) the Power of the queen of England?
7. Grammar drills.Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Either our firm or thecompetitive firm _________ (deliver/delivers) goods to the market of this city.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: so, market, changes, research, promptly, find, should, out,such.
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Everybusinessman having shares will receive dividends.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: (pack) … our cases, we took a taxi to the airport.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 23
1. Translate intoEnglish: Компанияобязана выплачивать свои долги до тех пор, пока у нее будут какие-либо фонды,из которых она будет платить.То есть в то время, как ответственность акционеровносит ограниченный характер, ответственность самой компании не ограничена.
2. Translate into Russian: Documentsand approvals generally must be obtained before starting operations.Small-business owners must follow several steps before offering a product orservice to the public.
3. Answer the question:What is the differencebetween a wholesale and a retail dealer?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Subsidiarycompany
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. Profit is the difference … a business’s total revenuesand the total … its production costs.
6. Grammar drills. Use theright tense in the following sentence: Normative economics (ask) if theoutcomes of economic behavior (to be) good or bad.
7. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in parentheses. Any party _________ (is not allowed/arenot allowed) to assign his duties under contract.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: advertisement takes into account the the the the valuespeople of particular group appreciate.
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Youwill receive a warning for speeding if you drive fast.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: (to produce) Power stations ___enough energy to supply several towns are soon to be built on the south coast.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 24
1. Translate into English: Контракт, не имеющей исковой силы, является законным,но он не может иметь силу в суде, если одна из сторон отказывается выполнятьсвои условия.
2. Translate into Russian: When there is businessboom people have generally more money on luxury items. When there is a slackthey buy goods only necessary for life. Before introducing a new product andfinding a ready market for it, you should know the market situation in detail.
3. Answer the questionin 3-5 sentences: Whatfair have you visited of late? What exhibits have you seen there?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Timeof delivery
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions: The decision was taken … the agreement.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: I (to tell) the other day that the volume of businessin this industry almost (to double).
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. None of people _________ (is/are)sure of having good prospects in the future.
8. Make up a sentenceusing the following words:any, not, market, may, existing, or, research, probable, should, competition,disregard
9. Grammar drills. E. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice:
The customers call wholesale and retail dealers intermediaries.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: (deliver) the message, the boy went home.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 25
1. Translate into English: Нарушение контракта дает право потерпевшей сторонерасторгнуть контракт и потребовать возмещения убытков.
2. Translate intoRussian: Managers musthave the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations. Decisionmaking requires from managers to spot problems, identify alternatives tocorrect them, evaluate these alternatives, and select the best one.
3. Answer the question:How do you understand sucha notion as market segmentation?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Businessboom
5. Grammar drills. Fill inthe blanks with the necessary prepositions: When there is business boom peoplehave generally more money … luxury items.
6. Grammar drills. Use theright tense in the following sentence: A bill of exchange (to define) as onunconditional order in writing.
7. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in parentheses. The organization (has/have) lost manymembers this year.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: function, American Reserve, Bank, government, policy, is,to, support, the, of, the, economic, the, Federal, Federal.
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Youwill receive our annotation for some machinery for an automobile plant in aweek.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: (to grow) Crops ___ under glass maturemore quickly than those in the open.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 26
1. Translate into English: Аукционист – это агент, назначенный продавцом дляпродажи товаров за вознаграждение, обычно в форме комисcионных.
2. Translate intoRussian: When managersmotivate subordinates, direct the activities of others, select the mosteffective communication channel, or resolve conflicts among members, they areengaging in leading.
3. Answer the question:How do you understand theright of freedom of choice in the private enterprise system?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Voidand illegal
5. Grammar drills.Fill in theblanks with the necessary prepositions: Fashion and consumers' tastes andneeds are constantly changing.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: Mr. Brown (inform) us that the firm (to agree) toreduce the price.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. Neither the manager of the firm norits employeers _____ (was/were) satisfied with the results of their work.
8. Make up a sentenceusing the following words:familiar, chronological, CV, is, the, a, most, layout
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Managersmust set objectives for achieving satisfactory results in these markets.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: (to admire) I stared at the canvas for ages, ___the artist's skill and eye for detail.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 27
1. Translate into English: Одно из старейших средств рекламы – ярмарка. Ярмаркивосходят к средневековью и с тех пор доказывают свою реальную эффективность. Вто время суверены (правители) имели возможность предоставить своим городампривилегию проводить такое мероприятие, как ярмарка.
2. Translate intoRussian: Every agreementenforceable by law is a contract. This definition is worthy of careful thought butit is far from correct. An agreement which cannot be enforced by law because itdoesn’t fulfil the requirements at certain states, may still be a contract.
3. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences: How will you get customers, if you set up in business?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Bevalid for
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions.… the past this company supplied us… theirchemical;
6. Grammar drills. Use theright tense in the following sentence: Normative economics (to ask) if theoutcomes of economic behavior (be) good or bad.
7. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form in parentheses.There __________ (has/have) been a number of terrible battles during the war.
8. Makeup a sentence using the following words: manager, what, while, he, to, is,want, know, does, employing, the, a, personnel ,staff
9. Grammar drills. Usecommon phrase in the Passive Voice:
The consignor has notdeclared the value and the nature of the goods ready for shipment.
10. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: They are said to have been conducting negotiations for along time.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 28
1. Translate into English: При смешанном капитализме у правительства имеется дваэкономических инструмента: право облагать налогами и право расходовать деньги.
2. Translate intoRussian: The function ofthe American Federal Reserve Bank is to support the economic policy of theFederal government. It is the only institution entitled to release newbanknotes. The bank oversees the stability of American currency by regulatingthe amount of money in circulation.
3. Answer the question:Who owns the resourcesnecessary for production and the businesses under the private enterprisesystem?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Creditsale
5. Grammar drills. Fill inthe blanks with the necessary prepositions: Documents and approvals generallymust be obtained … before starting operations.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: Mr. Brown (to inform) us in the telephone conversationthat the firm (to agree) to reduce the price.
7. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in parentheses. Two miles (is/are) too much to run inone day.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: if, want, to, in, introduce, the, a, new, product, you,should, know, you, should, market, situation, detail
9. Grammar drills. Usecommon phrase in the Passive Voice:
Any agreement will notexempt the carrier from liability if the loss or damage of the goods has arisenfrom his own neglect.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: I remember (see)… him in the part of Hamlet at the AcademyTheatre.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 29
1. Translate intoEnglish: В условияхустойчивого спада в экономике, когда безработица имеет тенденцию к росту, можнопродать товары, и даже в больших количествах, но только в том случае, если ценана них будет очень низкой.
2. Translate into Russian: The advertisementaddresses some certain sector of society, taking into account the values thepeople of this particular group appreciate. It is essential so to choose theright media, the most popular source of information among this group of people.
3. Answer the question:Do managers need goodhuman skills? If so, for what purposes?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Companylegislation
5. Grammar drills. Fill inthe blanks with the necessary prepositions: The advertisement takes … account thevalues the people … the particular group appreciate.
6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in thefollowing sentence: We just (to pay) an amount of money.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. The number of retailers ________(has/have) increased of late in Russia.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: declaration, up, in, writing, be, drawn, as, to, the, a,must, dishonor
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Englishlaw does not recognize joint ownership of property as a business.
10. Name the grammaticalstructure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentenceinto Russian: Nancy toldme the secret, despite having promised not to do so.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 30
1. Translate into English: Чтотакое ограниченная ответственность? Если регистрируемые компании ограничиваютсяопределенным количеством акций, это означает, что ответственность членовкомпании (акционеров) является ограниченной.
2. Translate intoRussian: A condition is aterm of a contract but for which the parties would not have entered into thecontract; so the breach of the condition will entitle the injured party torepudiate the contract and claim damages.
3. Answer the question:On what principles orrights is private enterprise based?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Productioncost
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. Much attention must be paid… packing, especiallywhen goods are shipped… African countries.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: You (to have) to buy machines of another company.
7. Grammar drills.Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. The jury (is/are) trying to reach adecision.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: if, by, of, foreign, bill, exchange, is, a, the, fact, must,be, dishonored, noted, a, notary, public.
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice:In the private enterprise systemindividuals own the resources necessary for production.
10. Insert the verb inits correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian: (to take) People ___ books out which haven’t beenstamped will be banned.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 31
1. Translate into English: Все менеджеры имеют руководящую роль. Эта рольвключает в себя: найм, тренинг, мотивацию и приучение служащих к дисциплине.
2. Translate intoRussian: If themerchandise you produce sells well for a considerable period of time and youwant to go on manufacturing it, you should not count on long-lasting, thrivingsales. Fashion and consumers’ tastes and needs are constantly changing. Somarket research should promptly find out such changes.
3. Answer the question:For what purposes does thelaw of contract exist?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Contractsfor the supply of goods
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. Payment was to be made … cash… 30 days… receipt… all shipping documents.
6. Grammar drills. Use theright tense in the following sentence: A bill of lading contains the termsand conditions of the carriage of the goods which (to agree) upon by theparties.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. Neither the employees nor themanager (were/was) pleased with the total of revenues of the firm.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe ,following words: property, goods, exist, may, in, and, without, without, possession,possession, property.
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: We arenow comparing your price and terms with those of other manufacturers.
10. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: Therights and liabilities of the parties to a contract having been considered, it is now necessary to see how the relationship is terminated.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 32
1. Translate into English: В системе частного предпринимательства прибыльявляется главной целью предпринимательства (бизнеса). Она – мерило успеха длябизнесмена и вознаграждение за риск.
2. Translate intoRussian: Normativeeconomics looks at the outcomes of economic behavior and asks if they are goodor bad and whether the outcomes can be made better. Normative economicsinvolves judgments and prescriptions for preferred courses of action.
3. Answer the question:What does the planningfunction of management consist of?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Salesagent
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions: Profit is the difference … a business’s total revenuesand its production costs.
6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: They (to want)to double their purchases.
7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choosethe right form of the verb in parentheses. The majority of employees___________ (was/were) missing from work.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: the, sector, society, advertisement, addresses, some,certain, of
9. Use the phrase in thePassive Voice: Our manageris now expecting a bid from a large manufacturer of food stuffs.
10. Name the grammaticalstructure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentenceinto Russian: We walkedfor a long time without speaking to one another.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 33
1. Translate into English: В системе частного предпринимательства отдельные лицаимеют право покупать, владеть, использовать и продавать собственность, как онисчитают нужным.
2. Translate into Russian: Managers get things donethrough other people. They make decisions, allocate resources, and directactivities of subordinates to achieve a common goal or a set of goal.
3. Answer the question:How may insurance beclassified?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Lifeinsurance
5. Grammar drills. Fill inthe blanks with the necessary prepositions: They direct the activities …subordinates … achieve a common goal.
6. Grammar drills. Use theright tense in the following sentence: It is not necessary that the priceshould (to fix) beforehand.
7. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in the parentheses. Conducting negotiations ___________(is/are) the best way to come to an agreement.
8. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: and, tastes, needs, are, constantly, consumers', changing.
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Theship has already delivered the first parcel of corn to the port of destination.
10. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: He put his hand into his pocket to see his money gone.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 34
1. Translate into English: Ценовая стратегия занимается установлением цен натовары, которые могут принести прибыль. Решения по ценам зависят от того, какреагирует искомый рынок на низкую или высокую цену.
2. Translate intoRussian: Wholesale andretail dealers stand between the producer and the consumer. Therefore they arealso called intermediaries. Their services cost the consumer a lot of money sothere are certain attempts to get along without them.
3. Answer the question:What attracts people tobegin businesses under the private enterprise system?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Exchangeor barter
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions: Pricing decisions are influenced … how responsive atarget market is.
6. Grammar drills. Usethe right tense in the following sentence: He (to tell) the other day that the volume of businessin this industry almost (to double).
7. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in parentheses. The pliers (was/were) on the table. Isaw (it/them) there yesterday.
8. Makeup a sentence using the following words: which, them, personal, is, in, each,of, involved, of
9. Grammar drills. E. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice:
The manufacturer has introduced a lot of new products.
10. Fill in the missingpreposition(s). Name the grammatical structure in the bold type. Comment on itsfunction and translate the sentence into Russian. She's such a snob. She looks ___ people whohave to work for their living.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 35
1. Translate into English: При системе частного предпринимательства свободавыбора означает, что каждый имеет право решать, какой вид работы выполнять, гдеработать, как и где тратить деньги.
2. Translate intoRussian: Product strategyextends beyond the physical item itself to include decisions about brands,labels, trademarks, packaging, guarantees, new product development, and theproduct life cycle.
3. Answer the question:How does the Central Bankof Russia oversee the stability of national currency?
4. Idioms: Provide thecorrect Russian equivalent. Limitedcompany
5. Grammar drills. Fillin the blanks with the necessary prepositions. Elections … our country are held … by secret ballot.
6. Grammar drills. Use theright tense in the following sentence: The law contract (exist) to protectagreements (to make) between two or more parties.
7. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in the parentheses. No retailers ________ (has / have)enough money to acquire necessary goods.
8. Make up a sentenceusing the following words:is, possible, start, in, from, the, it, present, and, work, to, back, time
9. Use the phrase inthe Passive Voice: Even alittle child can do this easy job.
10. Name the grammaticalstructure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentenceinto Russian: The house issupposed to be lived in.
Зав. кафедрой
примерный перечень экзаменационных вопросов
пкояз. англ. яз.профкурс (деловой)
1. Translate into English: Системачастного предпринимательства основана на четырех принципах, или правах: правена частную собственность, на свободу выбора, на прибыль и конкуренцию.
2. Translate into English: Всистеме частного предпринимательства право владения включает землю, строения,оборудование и интеллектуальную собственность, такую как изобретения.
3. Translate into English: Присистеме частного предпринимательства свобода выбора означает, что каждый имеетправо решать, какой вид работы выполнять, где работать, как и где тратитьденьги.
4. Translate into English: Всистеме частного предпринимательства прибыль является главной цельюпредпринимательства (бизнеса). Она – мерило успеха для бизнесмена ивознаграждение за риск.
5. Translate into English: Аукционист– это агент, назначенный продавцом для продажи товаров за вознаграждение,обычно в форме комисcионных.
6. Translate into English: Понятие«товар» включает все виды движимого имущества, кроме имущества в требованиях иденег.
7. Translate into English: Перевозчик,который не повинуется указаниям грузоотправителя относительно назначения груза,несет ответственность за недоставку груза в указанное место.
8. Translate into English: Прикапитализме экономические решения принимаются свободно, согласно рыночнымзаконам спроса и предложения. Рынок регулирует экономическое поведение,правительства не должны ничего регулировать.
9. Translate into English: Облагаяналогами отдельных лиц и предприятия, правительство приобретает средства дляобеспечения основных общественных программ: образования, обороны, транспорта исоциальных услуг.
10. Translate into English: Одноиз старейших средств рекламы – ярмарка. Ярмарки восходят к средневековью и стех пор доказывают свою реальную эффективность. В то время суверены (правители)имели возможность предоставить своим городам привилегию проводить такоемероприятие, как ярмарка.
11. Translate into English: Страхование,механизм для снижения финансового риска и покрытия финансовых потерь, являетсяглавным социальным институтом, который необходим для функционированияпрактически любого типа экономики.
12. Translate into English: Что такое ограниченнаяответственность? Если регистрируемые компании ограничиваются определеннымколичеством акций, это означает, что ответственность членов компании(акционеров) является ограниченной.
13. Translate into English: Компания обязана выплачивать свои долгидо тех пор, пока у нее будут какие-либо фонды, из которых она будет платить.Тоесть в то время, как ответственность акционеров носит ограниченный характер,ответственность самой компании не органичена.
14. Translate into English: В условиях частного предпринимательстваотдельные лица (в одиночку или группами), а не правительство, делают сбереженияи вкладывают их в средства производства — заводы, оборудование — во всенеобходимое для производства товаров и услуг, имея целью получение прибыли.
15. Translate into English: Прибыль — это главная цель любогопредпринимателя. Прибыль — это то, что остается после вычетов расходовпредприятия, включая в них вознаграждение за управление (менеджмент). Прибыль — это индикатор того, что ваш бизнес является успешным.
16. Translate into English: В системе свободногопредпринимательства существует право выбора и любой, кто имеет капитал, время иопыт, может заняться любой деятельностью, которую он предпочитает, при условии,что он не будет использовать чужое имя и будет свободно конкурировать с любымсуществующим бизнесом.
17. Translate into English: Маркетинг имеет целью выяснение нужди желаний потребителей, а затем доведение до их сведения, что именно выпоставляете для их нужд. Хорошо продуманный план маркетинга имеет решающеезначение для вашего бизнеса,
18. Translate into English: Занимаясь бизнесом, вы должныпринимать во внимание свою биографию, свои финансовые и личные возможности,свое знание людей, их нужд и желаний, а также свое общее отношение к бизнесу ижизни, как к факторам, оказывающим существенное влияние на развитиепредприятия.
19. Translate into English: В конце 60-х студент Генри Минцбергпредпринял подробное обследование пяти служащих, чтобы определить то, чем этименеджеры занимались на своей работе На основе своих наблюдений этихменеджеров, Минцберг пришел к выводу, что менеджер выполняет десять различныхролей.
20. Translateinto English: От всех менеджеровтребуется выполнение обязанностей, церемониальных и символичных по своейприроде. Когда президент колледжа выдает дипломы на торжественном собрании, онили она действует в символической роли.
21. Translate into Russian: The private enterprise system is aneconomic system where both the resources necessary for production and thebusiness are owned by private individuals, not by public institutions like thegovernment.
22. Translate into Russian: The private enterprise system, as all economicsystems, requires resources for its business to produce goods and services. Theresources used to provide goods and services are the factors of production:land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.
23. Translate into Russian: Managers must have the mental ability toanalyze and diagnose complex situations. Decision making requires from managersto spot problems, identify alternatives to correct them, evaluate thesealternatives, and select the best one.
24. Translate into Russian: Pricing strategy is concerned withestablishing prices for products that will return a profit. Pricing decisionsare influenced by how responsive a target market is to a high or low price, thepsychological images created by prices and the actions of competitors.
25. Translate into Russian: Promotional strategy involves developingthe correct blend of the promotional mix elements – advertising, personalselling, sales promotion, and publicity. Promotional strategy is thecommunication element of the marketing mix.
26. Translate into Russian: A contract gives rise to certain rights andobligations. But these rights and obligations cannot arise except between theparties to the contract. A contract may be binding upon one party to thecontract and not upon the other.
27. Translate into Russian: Every agreement enforceable by law is acontract. This definition is worthy of careful thought but it is far fromcorrect. An agreement which cannot be enforced by law because it doesn’t fulfilthe requirements at certain states, may still be a contract.
28. Translate into Russian: A condition is a term of a contract but forwhich the parties would not have entered into the contract; so the breach ofthe condition will entitle the injured party to repudiate the contract and claimdamages.
29. Translate into Russian: The law contract exists to protectagreements made between two or more parties, to ensure that the parties to themcarry out the various promises they have made, and to provide one party with aremedy should the other fail do what he has undertaken.
30. Translate into Russian: Wholesale and retail dealers stand betweenthe producer and the consumer. Therefore they are also called intermediaries.Their services cost the consumer a lot of money so there are certain attemptsto get along without them.
31. Translate into Russian: The function of the American FederalReserve Bank is to support the economic policy of the Federal government. It isthe only institution entitled to release new banknotes. The bank oversees thestability of American currency by regulating the amount of money incirculation.
32. Translate into Russian: Normative economics looks at the outcomesof economic behavior and asks if they are good or bad and whether the outcomescan be made better. Normative economics involves judgments and prescriptionsfor preferred courses of action.
33. Translate into Russian: If the merchandise you produce sells wellfor a considerable period of time and you want to go on manufacturing it, youshould not count on long-lasting, thriving sales. Fashion and consumers’ tastesand needs are constantly changing. So market research should promptly find outsuch changes.
34. Translate into Russian: The curriculum vitaeshould be clear to read and present аn аttractive image It isimportant to highlight the features which will interest the reader. It shouldnot be too long. Space left blank on the раgе makes it easy to readquickly. There are two main formats: the chronological and the functional Inboth types there will be the same basic information (name, address, date ofbirth and civil status.)
35. Translate into Russian: When applying for a postabroad it is helpful to give the names of equivalent qualifications which canbe easily understood by the reader There may not be an equivalent qualificationin some cases, so it is a good idea to describe the diploma obtained (e g. aD.E U G: a University qualification obtained after two years' study).
36. Translate into Russian: A chronological CV is the most familiar layout It ispossible to start from the present and work back in time (usual in the US) orbegin at the start of one's career and work forward in time. A functional CV.Here the content is organised into specific categories of abilities (t isuseful if you have a short work record or previous jobs unrelated to currentgoals It tells a potential employer what you can do
37. Translate into Russian: Fashion and consumers'tastes and needs are constantly changing. So market research should promptlyfind out such changes. If the merchandise you produce sells well for aconsiderable period of time and you want to go on manufacturing it, you shouldnot count on long-lasting thriving sales.
38. Translate into Russian: To sell a similar productin the market successfully a manufacturer should make sure whether the demandis sufficient. Then he should either improve the quality or offer lower prices.Market research may not disregard any existing or probable competition.
39. Translate into Russian: Commercial banks are veryoften reluctant to lend money to companies that have only been operating for afew years, but in some cases they may make a term loan that the small businesscan pay off within an agreed period. may make a term loan that the smallbusiness can pay off within on a agreed period.
40. Translate into Russian: The advertisementaddresses some certain sector of society, taking into account the values thepeople of this particular group appreciate. It is essential so to choose theright media, the most popular source of information among this group of people.
41. Answer the question: Who owns the resources necessary for production andthe businesses under the private enterprise system?
42. Answer the question: How do you understand the right of freedom of choicein the private enterprise system?
43. Answer the question: What does the planning function ofmanagement consist of?
44. Answer the question: What is meant by the controlling functionof management?
45. Answer the question: What major functions within a work group ororganization does communication serve?
46. Answer the question: Do managers need good human skills? If so,for what purposes?
47. Answer the question: Whom does the consumer market consist of?
48. Answer the question: How can the agent who receives any secretcommission be punished by the principal?
49. Answer the question: How does the Central Bank of Russia overseethe stability of national currency?
50. Answer the question: How may insurance be classified?
51. Answer the question: What kinds and where are fairs conducted inRussia?
52. Answer the question in 3-5sentences:
What is theentrepreneurship?
53. Answer the question in 3-5 sentences:
What factors does one need to consider when he or shewants to start his or her own business?
54. Answer the question in 3-5sentences:
What is service inbusiness?
55. Answer the question in 3-5sentences:
What are the basic categories of business today?
56. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences:
You know threemanagement levels: top, middle and operating management. Which personal isinvolved in each of them?
57. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences:
How will you getcustomers, if you set up in business?
58. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences:
What would youdo to train, control and direct subordinates?
59. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences:
Where will youlocate your business?
60. Answerthe question in 3-5 sentences:
What are thesecretarial duties?
61. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Be valid for
62. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Bills of sale
63. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Joint ownership
64. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Company legislation
65. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Subsidiary company
66. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Contracts for the supply of goods
67. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Object to the contract
68. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Holder in due course
69. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
A cheque and a bank note
70. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Notary public
71. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
To be binding upon smth
72. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Accept an offer
73. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
To revoke an offer
74. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Market research
75. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Business boom
76. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Market recession
77. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
In excess of
78. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
To withdraw an offer
79. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Negotiable documents
80. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent.
Lay days
81. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions:…accordance… Mr. Ranson’s letter his company going to increase their prices.
82. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions: The mancouldn’t tell me how to get … the Houses … Parliament.
83. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions: The companyis interested …this type … the goods?
84. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions: To buy … adiscount.
85. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions: The successof any business person depends … credit terms.
86. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions: Whenapplying … a post abroad give the names … equivalent qualifications.
87. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions: Achronological CV is is possible to start … the present and work back in time.
88. Grammar drills.Fill in theblanks with the necessary prepositions: Fashion and consumers' tastes andneeds are constantly changing.
89. Grammar drills. Fill inthe blanks with the necessary prepositions: Documents and approvals generallymust be obtained … before starting operations.
90. Grammar drills. Fill inthe blanks with the necessary prepositions: They direct the activities …subordinates … achieve a common goal.
91. Grammar drills. Fill inthe blanks with the necessary prepositions: The advertisement takes … account thevalues the people … the particular group appreciate.
92. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks withthe necessary prepositions: The property … goods must be distinguished … the right whichis called «possession.»
93. Grammardrills. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions. Payment was to be made … cash… 30 days… receipt… all shipping documents.
94. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions. Muchattention must be paid… packing, especially when goods are shipped…African countries.
95. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with thenecessary prepositions.Thecustomers sent an enquiry… women's shoes ...autumn wear, but were informedthat the company could not supply them… the shoes.
96. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with thenecessary prepositions. TheSeller's offer was valid… a period… 90 days.
97. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions. Elections …our country are held … by secret ballot.
98. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions. The mancouldn’t tell me … how to get … the Houses … Parliament.
99. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions. Is thecompany interested …this type … the goods?
100. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessaryprepositions. To sell … aloss and buy … a discount.
101. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: We (to be sorry) that your order (to place)with our competitors because our delivery time (to be) not suitable to you andyou (to find) our prices too high.
102. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: Wewould like to explain to youfirst that we (to be) heavy with orders now and the deliveries as a result (toextend).
103. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: They (to advise) us two days ago that theBuyers (to agree) to extend the validity of the Letter of Credit.
104. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: At yesterday's talks the firm (to draw) ourattention to the fact that they (to want) to double their purchases.
105. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: If they ( to decide) to make their pricesmore competitive they (to be )then ready to place their order for 1000machines.
106. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: Some modifications (to make) in themachines (to achieve) higher capacities.
107. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: Mr. Brown (inform) us that the firm (toagree) to reduce the price.
108. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: They already (to agree) to extend thevalidity of the Letter of Credit.
109. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: They (to want) to double their purchases.
110. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: They (to be) then ready to place theirorder if they ( to decide) to make their prices more competitive.
111. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: The lawcontract (exist) to protect agreements (to make) between two or more parties.
112. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: The lawcontract (exist) to ensure that the parties to them carry out the variouspromises they (to make).
113. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: TheEuropean Union (to create) withthe aim of constructing a United Europe.
114. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: Fashionand consumers' tastes and needs constantly (to change).
115. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: Documentsand approvals generally must (to obtain)before starting operations.
116. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: Normativeeconomics (ask) if the outcomes of economic behavior (to be) good or bad.
117. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: Normativeeconomics (toask) if the outcomes ofeconomic behavior (be) good or bad.
118. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: Amanager(get) things (todo) through otherpeople.
119. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: Who (to control) the Power of the queen ofEngland?
120. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the followingsentence: We (to pay)an amount of money before we (receive) the goods.
121. Grammardrills. Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. There (has/have) been too manyinterruptions in this class.
122. Grammardrills. Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. The jury (is/are) trying to reach adecision.
123. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in parentheses. The number of days in a month (is/are)thirty.
124. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in parentheses. The organization (has/have) lost manymembers this year.
125. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in the parentheses. Conducting negotiations ___________(is/are) the best way to come to an agreement.
126. Subject-VerbAgreement:
Choose the right form in parentheses. A large number of managers _______(was/were) present at yesterday’s economical conference.
127. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form in parentheses. There __________ (has/have) been a number ofterrible battles during the war.
128. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form in parentheses. Everyone ____ (is/are) required to be disciplinedat work.
129. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in parentheses. The majority of employed agents_________ (sells/sell) goods for a reward on form of compensation.
130. Subject-VerbAgreement: Choose theright form of the verb in parentheses. Any party _________ (is not allowed/arenot allowed) to assign his duties under contract.
131. Grammardrills. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Neither the holdersof shares, nor the company __________ (have/has) received big profits thisyear.
132. Grammardrills. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Either our firm orthe competitive firm _________ (deliver/delivers) goods to the market of thiscity.
133. Grammardrills. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Of the two foreignbanks the English bank acts __________ (more/most) successfully in Russia.
134. Grammardrills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Neither the manager of the firm nor its employeers_____ (was/were) satisfied with the results of their work.
135. Grammardrills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Either he or his friends ______ (was/were) ready toundertake the responsibility for this work.
136. Grammardrills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. A number of wholesalers __________(acquires/acquire) goods abroad.
137. Grammardrills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. None of the buyers ______ (was satisfied/weresatisfied) with the purchased goods.
138. Grammardrills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. None of people _________ (is/are) sure of having goodprospects in the future.
139. Grammardrills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. On Sunday there __________ (was/were) a large numberof customers at the market.
140. Grammardrills. Subject-Verb Agreement:Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Neither Bill nor his parents (has/have)seen this movie before.
141. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: and, levels, know,management, you, three, management,top, middle, operating
142. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: which, them, personal, is, in, each, of, involved, of
143. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: if,want, to, in, introduce, the, a, new, product, you, should, know, you, should,market, situation, detail
144. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: there,a, slack, people, life, buy, goods, only, necessary, when, for, is
145. Make up a sentence using the following words: basic, are, what, the, categories,business, today
146. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: manager, what, while, he, to, is, want, know, does, employing,the, a, personnel ,staff
147. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: set, if, will, customers, you, up, how, in, you, get,business, how
148. Make up a sentence using the following words: lower, manufacturer, either, offer, improve, should,the, the, quality, or, prices
149. Make up a sentence usingthe following words:registration, register, may, be, from, a, the, the, if, it, simply, removed,ceased, has, to function, as, company
150. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: property,goods, must, be, called, distinguished, which, or, in, from, the, the, limited,special, right, is, «possession.»
151. Make up a sentence usingthe following words:it, important, highlight, the, the, features, which, is, will, interest,reader, to
152. Make up a sentence usingthe following words:vitae, of, basic, curriculum, both, formats, present, the, the, information, same, should
153. Make up a sentence usingthe ,following words: property,goods, exist, may, in, and, without, without, possession, possession, property.
154. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: if, by, of,foreign, bill, exchange, is, a, the, fact, must, be, dishonored, noted, a,notary, public.
155. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: declaration,up, in, writing, be, drawn, as, to, the, a, must, dishonor
156. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: wholesale,retail, stand, between, the, consumer, dealers, producer, and, and, the.
157. Make up a sentence usingthe following words:prescriptions, courses, normative, economics, involves, for, preferred, of,action
158. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: function,American Reserve, Bank, government, policy, is, to, support, the, of, the,economic, the, Federal, Federal.
159. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: bank,stability, of, American, currency, in, of, by, oversees, regulating, the, the,the, amount, money, circulation
160. Make up a sentence usingthe following words: normative,looks, at, the, of, economic, economics, behavior, outcomes.
161. Usethe phrase in the Passive Voice:In the private enterprise systemindividuals own the resources necessary for production.
162. Usethe phrase in the Passive Voice:The right to ownership includes land,buildings, equipment, and intangible property.
163. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: You will receive a warning for speeding ifyou drive fast.
164. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: The students must have passed their exam inphilosophy because they are in good humor.
165. Usethe phrase in the Passive Voice: The company will extend the production of video-players.
166. Usethe phrase in the Passive Voice: You will receive our annotation for some machinery for an automobileplant in a week.
167. Usethe phrase in the Passive Voice: The principal may recover any secret commission received by the agent.
168. Grammardrills. Use common phrase in thePassive Voice:
The consignor has notdeclared the value and the nature of the goods ready for shipment.
169. Grammardrills. Use common phrase in thePassive Voice:
The consignor may changethe destination of the goods during the transit.
170. Grammardrills. E. Use the phrase in thePassive Voice:
The wholesale dealer hasallowed a short-term credit to a client.
171. Grammardrills. E. Use the phrase in thePassive Voice:
Every businessman mustknow the market situation in detail.
172. Grammardrills. E. Use the phrase in thePassive Voice:
One must independentlyexpose all homogeneous units to loss.
173. Use thephrase in the Passive Voice:The customer transferred the requiredamount of money into his supplier’s account.
174. Use thephrase in the Passive Voice:The number-nations have established commonpolicies in foreign trade, agriculture and transportation.
175. Use thephrase in the Passive Voice:
The gradual creation of asingle currency. Requires much time and efforts.
176. Use thephrase in the Passive Voice:With the creditor function the bank playsan exceedingly important part in the economy.
177. Use thephrase in the Passive Voice:
Every businessman havingshares will receive dividends.
178. Use thephrase in the Passive Voice:At that time sovereigns were giving theirtowns the privilege of conducting fairs.
179. Use thephrase in the Passive Voice:
The shop is sellingsuccessfully the books of this author.
180. Use thephrase in the Passive Voice:English law does not recognize jointownership of property as a business.
181. Fill in the missing preposition(s). Name thegrammatical structure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translatethe sentence into Russian. Pleasedon't let me disturb you ___ your work.
182. Fill in the missing preposition(s). Name thegrammatical structure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translatethe sentence into Russian. Wemust try to cut ___the amount of money we spend. We just can't make endsmeet.
183. Fill in the missing preposition(s). Name thegrammatical structure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translatethe sentence into Russian. Keep ___ me! I've got a terrible cold, and I don't want togive it to you.
184. Fill in the missing preposition(s). Name the grammaticalstructure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentenceinto Russian. She's such asnob. She looks ___ people who have to work for their living.
185. Name the grammatical structure in the bold type.Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: In spite of Peter’s sadness at losingthe contest, he managed to smile.
186. Name the grammatical structure in the bold type.Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: The house is supposed to belived in.
187. Name the grammatical structure in the bold type.Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: He left the room without saying aword.
188. Insert the verb in its correct form. Name the composedgrammatical structure. Comment on its function and translate the sentence intoRussian: (to take) Books___ out of the library must be returned within 3 weeks. People ___ books outwhich haven’t been stamped will be banned.
189. Insert the verb in its correct form. Name the composedgrammatical structure. Comment on its function and translate the sentence intoRussian: (to admire)Swiss watches ___ for their elegance and precision, are sold throughoutthe world.
190. Insert the verb in its correct form. Name the composedgrammatical structure. Comment on its function and translate the sentence intoRussian: I'm not used to(think)… so hard this early in the morning.
191. Insert the verb in its correct form. Name the composedgrammatical structure. Comment on its function and translate the sentence intoRussian: Did you remember(see)… Tom and tell him that we can't come on Sunday?
192. Insert the verb in its correct form. Name the composedgrammatical structure. Comment on its function and translate the sentence intoRussian: (deliver) themessage, the boy went home.
193. Insert the verb in its correct form. Name the composedgrammatical structure. Comment on its function and translate the sentence intoRussian: (to suppose)…you had no money, what would you do?
194. Join the following sentences, using the preposition.Use the verb in the bold type in its correct form. Name the composedgrammatical structure. Comment on its function and translate the sentence intoRussian: He did theexercise. Then he switched on TV. (after)
195. Join the following sentences, using the prepositionUse the verb in the bold type in its correct form. Name the composedgrammatical structure. Comment on its function and translate the sentence intoRussian:. We visitedthe museum. We went home. (after)
196. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: There was nothing to do.
197. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: There was nothing to be done.
198. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: He put his hand into his pocket to seehis money gone.
199. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: They are said to have been conductingnegotiations for a long time.
200. Name the grammatical structure in the boldtype. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: Given the framework of these generalprinciples, this standard contains the requirements of A level.