Доклад: Ford Focus Copying Honda Civics Essay Research

Ford Focus Copying Honda Civics Essay, Research Paper

Ford Focus Copying Honda Civics?

Have you ever heard of a live commercial? Or better yet ever seen one? Well Ford Motor Company is about to launch the new Focus. The Focus is targeted at the first time buyers market. Ford Motors is spending at least $100 million dollars in this new approach marketing strategy. I always thought that TV commercial’s were pre-recorded. This is not the case here. Ford is actually launching a miniseries of commercials to create a following like a sitcom. With a hired actor Annabelle Gurwitch from the sitcom “Dinner & A Movie.” Ford Motors are targeting viewers from MTV, and the Urban audiences. Ford will advertise in the Non-Traditional marketing strategies. I think that Ford is trying to win over the Honda’s campaign of such good advertising and the success to the first time car buyer market creating a pool of loyal customers. Honda was the first company to utilizes the V-TEC technology. Now Ford wants to throw a similar technology into the Focus called Z-TEC. I think that Ford must think that people who do not know the difference will buy the Focus, I don’t think so! Ford will always be Ford & Honda will always dominate the Import compact class. As Far as I am concerned, Ford better spend that advertising money on better performance reliability. Honda has proven that it is not the advertisement, but loyal customers that spreads the word and the best car on the market for the resell value. I have bought my 97 Honda Civic brand new two years ago. I paid $14,700 total for the car. My car is now worth $13,800 according to Kelly Blue Book. My friend bought a Ford Escort the same year and paid $13,900 for it. His car is now worth $9,250 according to the Kelly Blue Book. My friends car has depreciated $4,650 and mine only $900! Now you know why Ford has a lot of work to do to have a better customer retention and try to focus on maintaining their reputation after the car has been purchased. Ford is also notorious for factory recalls from faulty brake systems to fire hazards. My family has had Honda’s for the past 14 years. The only recall I had experienced was my 97 civic had the floor mats recalled! That is why I think Ford Motors is trying to copy the image of Honda from their styling of the Focus to the Gimmick in the engine with the Z-TEC. Ford can do the new live commercial advertising all they want, but the quality & reliability of the car should still be the main priority. The quality and the reliability will drive up the resale value of the car just like the Hondas. That is were the consumer wins and the manufacture wins all together. That is my analysis and opinion.

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